About Us
South African Sports Betting Content Writers as born and bread South Africans, are part of the Sports crazy citizens of this Country bringing you up to date information as well as a Sports Blog where your comments and interesting facts you may have are always welcome.
Since 2002 we have served the citizens of South Africa through our 200 sites that we have on the web, and although this has been predominately in the gaming field, we have never faulted to assist anyone who has been in need of help.
Having experienced success with our sites on the internet, and with our great interest in both South African Sports as well as the International Sports arena, we believe that we too can service the public with a comprehensive ongoing update of all Sports of interest.
We are in the process of continually adding further sports information to this site, and our prime objective is to produce a Sports Betting Site where anyone can obtain information regarding any Sport of interest, and should they wish to take out a wager on any Sport, they can do so without having to be re-directed.
Should you have a Sport of interest that we do not yet offer, we would appreicate it if you would contact us. We will in turn endevour to obtain that information and add it to our list of offered Sports. |